Who am I?

I'm Brittany Smith, your nerdy ADHD coach, co-founder of the ADHD Guild, and a passionate believer in making stuff suck less! 🚀

My Background

Why do I like to make things suck less? It's a mix of education, experience, and passion about getting things done in the least painful way possible. With a master's degree from a cognitive neuroscience lab in the psychology department at the University of Oregon, and bachelor's degrees in psychology and child development, I've built a foundation for understanding how the brain works. Then, experimented with how my brain works-- and it doesn't work well with lots of boring and suck.

Oh, and let's not forget my degree in film production (because, you know, ADHD). That's why I strive to make sure my teaching style is never boring or dry. It's all about infusing joy and creativity wherever we can!

You can always learn out more about me on my About Page

My Mission

I live to make stuff suck less.

My goal is simple: I want to help you do the things you've always wanted to be able to do but feel like you're not quite there yet. Whether it's improving time management, planning more efficiently, or just leading a better life for people with ADHD, I'm here to help you take that leap.

How I Can Help You

Here's a glimpse of how I can make your ADHD life suck less:

  1. Free Tools on My Website: I offer various resources that can assist you in planning better or making more effective use of your time. Project Planning, Week Template Calendar for making realistic commitments, and the ADHD Personal Operations Manual to remember how you work best, Motivation Tally Tool to give yourself credit for what you're actually doing.

  2. One-on-One Coaching: Need personalized guidance? I offer one-on-one coaching tailored to your unique needs and goals. https://conquer.consulting

  3. The ADHD Guild: A community of nerdy folks with ADHD, where you'll find camaraderie, support, and a welcoming environment. It's like a guild of superheroes, with brains that work more like yours! https://adhdguild.com

  4. Courses: I create engaging courses with your ADHD brain in mind. Check out my latest offerings and learn in a way that sparks joy, not boredom! https://devise-conquer.teachable.com/

  5. YouTube Videos, TikTok, Instagram Reels: Follow me on YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram for more tips, insights, and a good dose of fun!

My Style

Boring things are soul-crushing. For both of us. I love to do things that are fun and silly. From my First Order logo scarf (hello, Star Wars fans! 🌌) to my light-hearted approach, I aim to make learning about ADHD a delightful experience. While I also help you live and work better.

Follow for More

If all of this resonates with you, and you're ready to make your ADHD life suck less, sign up for my mailing list, follow me various places below, and let's embark on this journey together. Because, after all, making stuff suck less is not just a motto; it's a way of life.

Feel free to explore this website or reach out to me on social media. Let's work smarter with ADHD and make your life easier, more productive, and filled with joy. 💫